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The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.

The ABA plays an active role in the public dialogue on banking and financial services, providing commentary on broader industry issues and facilitating access to other sources of information.

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COVID-19 Banking Timeline

see what’s happened in the Australian banking sector

Transcript – Anna Bligh interview with ABC Radio National’s Patricia Karvelas on bank regulations and financial hardship in Australia.
29 March 2023

“Australian banks are certainly better equipped now than they were in the GFC. They’ve got 2 to 2.5 times the capital reserves put aside for a rainy day than they had in the GFC. And that’s, that’s been 10 years of just gradual build up, required by the regulator put aside by banks. It’s an incredibly strong buffer if things do go rocky”

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Media Releases
Hardship assistance demand declines as Australia opens up
29 October 2021

“it’s heartening to see the need for assistance declining as many States and Territories come out of lockdown”

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Media Releases
Hardship assistance triples as deferrals continue to rise
15 September 2021

More than 57,000 customers have received hardship assistance during recent lockdowns across Australia.

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Media Releases
Banks Ready to Help Banana Growers in the Wake of Cyclone Niran
5 March 2021

Australian banks are supporting communities in Far North Queensland affected by Tropical Cyclone Niran.

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Media Releases
Support for WA bushfire areas
5 February 2021

“The most important consideration right now is staying safe. But when West Australians affected by recent bushfires are ready to pick up the pieces, their bank will be ready to help,”

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Media Releases
Bushfire Royal Commission to improve disaster coordination
30 October 2020

“Banks play a vital role in helping Australians survive and recover from bushfires and other disasters”, said ABA CEO Anna Bligh.

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