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Housing Legislative Package

11 January 2023

The ABA supports the Housing Legislative Package and the establishment of the Housing Australia Future Fund as a mechanism to provide a sustainable funding source to support and increase the development of social and affordable housing. The Housing Legislative Package should also assist in alleviating critical affordable housing needs for frontline workers, older women on low incomes, family and domestic violence survivors and First Nations communities. Australian banks have worked closely with non-profits and Government over recent years to support the social housing sector. The ABA and banks offer to work closely with the Government and other key stakeholders during the development of the investment mandate for Housing Australia to ensure it aligns with the previous recommendations of the Statutory Review of the Operation of the NHFIC Act 2018, including those relating to ‘crowding-in’ financiers. The ABA also recommends that Government consider expanding the current appointments of the National Housing Supply and Affordability Council to include members with a strong banking or lending background.

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