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Stories of recovery

Millions of Australians faced the economic impacts of COVID-19 across multiple lockdowns. Australian banks were able to offer assistance to their customers when they needed it the most. We spoke to people from across Australia to hear their stories as they faced hardship and challenges.

Rowena Explore
Sophia Explore
Benn & Jess Explore
Rowena Explore

Case Study: Rowena – Royston Petrie Seeds

“The pandemic has hit us hard in more ways than one. We were completely overwhelmed,” said Rowena Petrie, who is the daughter of founder Royston Petrie and now runs the business with her husband Daniel.
Sophia Explore

Case Study: Bouncing Back – I Love Butter

Sophia Ly is a single mother who successfully used a loan from the bank to turn her quiet COVID-suffering business into a booming online success story.
Benn & Jess Explore

Case Study: Jess & Ben – Eat Your Greens

Country caterers Jess and Ben weathered lockdown and a storm of cancellations, and with the help of their bank, reimagined their business.