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Banking Accessibility

Ensuring banking access for all Australians

The ABA is currently in the process of reviewing the Accessibility principles to ensure they remain reflective of best practice. Read more >>

The Australian banking industry is committed to ensuring the accessibility of all banking products and services for all people, including those with disability.

When it comes to banking, every customer counts, and banks wanted to make sure that their apps, ATMs, online services, in branch services and any other banking related products were accessible to all Australians.

Accessibility Principles

To help keep up with rapidly changing technological advancements, the Principles will be reviewed every two years.

The principles ensure that banking services in Australia are optimally placed to deliver the best accessibility and inclusive experience for their users.

The three dimensions to inclusive design encompass:

  1. Recognise diversity and uniqueness
  2. Inclusive process and tools: include people from diverse groups, with diverse needs and perspectives, into product and service design
  3. Broader beneficial impact: takes into consideration the context and environment and seeks solutions that benefit everyone through flexibility, adaption and personalisation.

Ensuring an inclusive experience

The Accessibility Principles for Banking Services ensure banking services in Australia are optimally placed to deliver the best accessibility and inclusive experience for their users. Employing an inclusive design methodology for the development of products and services is critical to this outcome.

The Accessibility Principles for Banking Services (PDF) are based around Universal Design Principles and WCAG Principles. A Word document version (DOC) is also available for download as well as a printable summary brochure (PDF) of the Accessibility Principles for Banking Services.

Download PDF

Accessible Authentication

Financial institutions should ensure that authentication technologies are accessible to all customers, or where this is not possible, a human-based alternative authentication system needs to provide equivalent amenity and convenience.

Download the The Guiding Principles for Accessible Authentication (as an accessible PDF).

Download the The Guiding Principles for Accessible Authentication (as an accessible word .doc)

First Nations Banking